P. Degond Université de Toulouse (Directeur de thèse)
The trajectories of Kuhlia mugil fish swimming freely in a tank are analyzed in order to develop a model of spontaneous fish movement. The data show that Kuhlia mugil displacement is best described by turning speed and its auto-correlation. The continuous-time process governing this new kind of displacement is modelled by a stochastic differential equation of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck family: the Persistent Turning Walker. The associated diffusive dynamics are compared to the standard persistent random walker model and we show that the resulting diffusion coefficient scales nonlinearly with linear swimming speed. In order to illustrate how interactions with other fish or the environment can be added to this spontaneous movement model we quantify the effect of tank walls on the turning speed and adequately reproduce the characteristics of the observed fish trajectories.
منابع مشابه
Étude des facteurs de pertinence dans la recherche de microblogs. (Study of salient factors for microblog search)
Jury : Mohand BOUGHANEM – Professeur, Université Toulouse 3 (directeur de thèse) Guillaume CABANAC – Maître de conférences, Université Toulouse 3 (co-encadrant) Karen PINEL-SAUVAGNAT – Maître de conférences, Université Toulouse 3 (co-encadrante) Claude CHRISMENT – Professeur, Université de Toulouse 3 (examinateur) Patrice BELLOT – Professeur, Aix-Marseille Université (rapporteur) Patrick GALLIN...
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متن کاملTHESE En vue de l ' obtention du DOCTORAT DE L ’ UNIVERSITÉ DE TOULOUSE
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